Business on Camera (BOC) is currently beta-testing an interactive digital book experience that aims to assist people in becoming a published author; and it’s known as ClickBook.
“A lot of people want to write a book, but either don’t have the time or they don’t think it’s achievable, and ClickBook generates an opportunity for anyone to do that,” said BOC CEO Matt Keay.
Born from the desire to complete his first book, Keay started his journey at the beginning of September, with the aim to have his book published on Amazon by mid-December.
Keay is also collaborating with Elizabeth Davis, who is also motivated to harness these tools to publish a book about her life experiences. Together, Keay and Davis are exploring the possibilities that this product could offer, not only for their personal projects but also for helping others wanting to achieve the same goal.
Davis has explained that ChatGPT, or as Davis affectionately dubs as “Chatty,” is helping to not only generate content for her book, but it also assists in giving context to subjects.
“I would run something through Chatty, and Chatty would come up with an extraordinary explanation as to what is happening, or why something is happening,” said Davis.
ClickBook promotes the idea that users can write a book and get their work published on Amazon within a hundred days. It will use multiple AI tools and coaching guidelines to streamline content, generate ideas, and assist in editing.
“The ClickBook beta with Liz has been interesting because we have such different target audiences,” continues Keay.
“What a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and business owners to not only become published authors, but leverage the book to build their business. Moreover, it’s great for older demographics who have a book inside of them and thought it would be unattainable.”